This was a project i did for a presentation class made to show off compositing skills in Photoshop, this image was originally a photo i took when i went into Northern Canada, the rest of the images are simply PNG's of moss and lichen taken from google images and then color toned, clone stamped and masked to look different and be blended into the background, The Lightning was a simple lightning image set to screen and blended into the background. The last image taken was the tentacles made as a 3d model by Babnak Bina at and were color toned, manually shaded using clipping masks, brushes and grain to get a more realistic feel to blend into the image. I then used brush, opacity, clipping masks and clone stamping to make the shadows on the tentacles, shadows and ripples on the water and cracks in the road's pavement. It was inspired by Stranger things and HP Lovecraft and was a fun Project to do to showcase my compositing and Photoshop skills.
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